47th Meeting of European Paediatric Ophthalmological Society
8th - 9th October 2022
Welcome to EPOS 2022 in Munich
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Dear members of EPOS and friends of paediatric ophthalmology,
we are very honoured to invite you all to Muenchen and join the 47th meeting of the European Paediatric Ophthalmological Society – in real.
After postponing the meeting from 2021 to 2022 and again from April to October we are now very confident to all meet in person in the beautiful city of Muenchen this autumn. The conference will be held at the charming Great Aula of the Ludwig Maximilians University. It is large enough to host a real conference even if moderate Corona restriction might still be in place.
Last year the EPOS meeting had a focus on “The important first year”. This year we choose to host a symposium on another very important period in a child’s live. “Vision problems in school age” will include dyslexia and ocular reading problems, functional visual loss as well as emerging studies on myopia progression in Caucasians. Keratokonus, Uveitis, vernal conjunctivitis, LHON and optic Neuritis as well as retinal imaging will also be covered in separate sessions.
The main interest of EPOS are genetic eye diseases, and we are extremely proud that very eminent speakers will present their work on gene therapy. Other topics will be prevention of retinal detachment, cataract, glaucoma, and other anterior segment malformations.
Even with this long list of invited speakers we invite everybody to submit free presentations and posters. We will discuss them in a new format as moderated poster sessions.
As local organizers we very much look forward to welcoming you in Muenchen on the 8th an 9th October 2002 – just a week after the Oktoberfest.
Oliver Ehrt, Claudia Priglinger, Günter Rudolph, Theresia Ring und Lieselotte Rudolph
Department of Ophthalmology at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University
Vision in School Age
Ocular reading disorders
Functional visual loss
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Cataract and Glaucoma
What's new in childhood cataract?
Treatment options for Glaucoma in Naevus flammeus/Sturge Weber
Corneal Diseases
PAX, SOX, FOXC, and other suspects - a clinical perspective
Uveitis / Adnexae
Management of congenital lid malformations
Syndromic Myopia
Keratokonus in childhood
Paediatric Retina
Prevention of retinal detachment in Stickler syndrome?
New perspectives in retinoblastoma
Optic Nerve Disorders
OCT as an imaging tool for MS and NMO Spectrum Disorders
Treatment of MOG an NMOSD associated optic neuritis
Treatment of LHON in childhood
Macropapillae - or is it glaucoma?
Optic Disk Drusen
Gene Therapy
Disease stage-specific therapies for inherited retinal degenerations
Retinal gene therapy – clinical aspects